A Dictionary of Japanese Idioms by Sazanami Software
What student of Japanese has not grappled with the amazing diversity and tantalizingly elusive nuances of its idioms? One certainly would not want to confuse, for example, ki ga mawaru (to be considerate) with ki o mawasu (to be suspicious). And it would be useful to know whether your boss is hara ga tatsu (angry) or merely ki ga tatsu (upset). Indeed, even a single idiom can have a bewildering number of meanings depending on context: te o ireru, for instance, can mean tidying up (e.g. a room), sounding out someone, or staging a raid. This dictionary offers the most comprehensive compilation and English translation of those idiomatic expressions that so enrich the Japanese language but fail to find their way into conventional dictionaries.

- offline dictionary for iOS
- 10,000 idioms, fully indexed
- search in English/Japanese/romaji
- easy-to-use interface
- jump between Apps