What student of Japanese has not grappled with the amazing diversity and tantalizingly elusive nuances of its idioms? One certainly would not want to confuse, for example, ki ga mawaru (to be considerate) with ki o mawasu (to be suspicious). it would be useful to know whether your boss is hara ga tatsu (angry) or merely ki ga tatsu (upset). Indeed, even a single idiom can have a bewildering number of meanings depending on context; te o ireru, for instance, can mean tidying up (as a room), sounding out someone, or making a raid.
This expanded and fully revised edition builds on the popular A Dictionary of Japanese Idioms. Apart from adding another 3,000 idioms, it also carries a comprehensive English index to help the foreign student of Japanese to quickly find the page with the relevant entry through a carefully edited list of keywords.
It presents more than 10000 idiomatic phrases under 1000 main entries, including several thousands of idioms never presented and explained in English before. Multiple sample sentences are given for each entry, and furigana allows even beginning students to pronounce correctly and to use the expressions immediately. A thumb index, duo-tone printing, and newly added full English index make entries exceptionally easy to access.
10000 Japanese Idioms is an indispensable work of reference for all those who seek to master one of the most difficult aspect of the Japanese language: its idiomatic usage.
208 pp, 5 x 8, Soft
Over 7000 entries, two-tone printing and thumb index
Japanese Language / Reference
Published by FLoating World Editions / ISBN: 978-949-2772-102

Proverbs are the heart of any language, offering profound insight into the character of a people, its experiences, and the beliefs and values it holds dear. This new dictionary offers the most comprehensive compilation and English translation of those proverbs that so enrich the Japanese language but fail to find their way into conventional dictionaries.
A companion volume to A Dictionary of Japanese Idioms, it presents more than 1000 entries, including many hundreds of proverbs that have never been presented and explained in English before. Explanations are given in succinct and lucid prose, and English equivalents are given whenever applicable. Each entry furthermore contains a literal translation to help bring out the nuances of the Japanese original, and where necessary, explanatory notes on grammar and historical background help deepen the reader’s understanding of a proverb’s meaning and context. Extensive cross-referencing allows the user to immediately find synonyms and antonyms, as well as related proverbs, while furigana allows even beginners to read and use the proverbs immediately. A thumb index makes entries exceptionally easy to access.
240 pp, 6 x 9, Hard
Over 1000 entries, duo-tone print and thumb index
Japanese language / Reference
Published by FLoating World Editions / ISBN: 978-949-2772-164
A Dictionary of Japanese Proverbs
Proverbs are the heart of any language, offering profound insight into the character of a people, its experiences, and the beliefs and values it holds dear. This new dictionary offers the most comprehensive compilation and English translation of those proverbs that so enrich the Japanese language but fail to find their way into conventional dictionaries.
A companion volume to A Dictionary of Japanese Idioms, it presents more than 1000 entries, including many hundreds of proverbs that have never been presented and explained in English before. Explanations are given in succinct and lucid prose, and English equivalents are given whenever applicable. Each entry furthermore contains a literal translation to help bring out the nuances of the Japanese original, and where necessary, explanatory notes on grammar and historical background help deepen the reader’s understanding of a proverb’s meaning and context. Extensive cross-referencing allows the user to immediately find synonyms and antonyms, as well as related proverbs, while furigana allows even beginners to read and use the proverbs immediately. A thumb index makes entries exceptionally easy to access.
240 pp, 6 x 9, Hard
Over 1000 entries, duo-tone print and thumb index
Japanese language / Reference
Published by FLoating World Editions / ISBN: 978-1-891640-51-3